If music be the food of love, sing on, sing on, sing on ... (Shakespeare)
Product no.: 31221
„The Prodigal Son“ – Biblical scene after Luke chapter 15 for Organ, Piano and Percussion. The the parable of the "Prodigal Son" told by Jesus in Luke 15 is presented musically in this composition. The organ here represents the attetude of the father, the piano illustrates the life of the son. The percussion accentuates and clarifies what happens. |
14.98 €
Delivery weight: 135 g
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Product no.: 31221a
"The Prodigal Son" – Biblical scene after Luke chapter 15 for organ, piano and percussion. The the parable of the "Prodigal Son" told by Jesus in Luke 15 is presented musically in this composition. The organ here represents the attetude of the father, the piano illustrates the life of the son. The percussion accentuates and clarifies what happens. |
36.38 €
Delivery weight: 247 g
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Product no.: 31318
The composition Auf dem Felde der Ehre (In the Field of Honor ) op. 73.2 for male choir, brass ensemble and percussion was written in 1937. As the composer himself fell in the fight at an age of 36 barely three years later at the beginning of the Second World War, this work seems like a foreshadowed anticipation on the own destiny. The movements:
Lyrics: An den Tod To Death
Gerrit Engelke (1890–1918) Gerrit Engelke (1890–1918)
Mich aber schone, Tod, But spare me, death,
Mir dampft noch Jugend blutstromrot – Youth is still steaming me blood red –
Noch hab ich nicht mein Werk erfüllt, I have not fulfilled my work yet,
Noch ist die Zukunft dunstverhüllt – The future is still covered with haze –
Drum schone mich, Tod! So spare me, death!
Wenn später einst, Tod, When later, once, death,
Mein Leben verlebt ist, verloht My life is spent, burned up
Ins Werk – wenn das müde Herz sich neigt, Into the work – when the tired heart declines,
Wenn die Welt mir schweigt – When the world falls silent to me –
Dann trage mich fort, Tod! Then carry me away, death!
III. Bitte III. Prayer
(aus „Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele“) (from "Adorn yourself, oh dear soul")
Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock (1724–1803) Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock (1724–1803)
O, dass uns're Seele würde Oh, that our soul would become
Frei vom Druck der Erdenbürde! Free from the pressure of the earthly burden!
Frei von Sünde unser Wille, Free of sin our will,
Unser Herz voll Sonntagsstille! Our heart full of Sunday calm!
Dass von fern aus deinen Höhen That from afar off your heights
Wir des Lichtes Aufgang sähen, We see the light rising,
Das die Sel’gen dort verkläret, That the Blessed transfigure there,
Wo der Sonntag ewig währet. Where Sunday lasts forever.
IV. Abschied vom Leben IV. Farewell to life
Theodor Körner (1791–1813) Theodor Körner (1791–1813)
„Als ich in der Nacht vom 17. zum 18. Juni 1813 "When on the night of the 17th to the 18th of June, 1813,
schwer verwundet und hilflos in einem Holze lag I was severely wounded and helpless in a wood and
und zu sterben meinte:“ said to die:"
Die Wunde brennt, – die bleichen Lippen beben. – The wound burns, – the pale lips quiver. –
Ich fühl's an meines Herzens matter'm Schlage, I feel it in the weaker beating of my heart,
Hier steh ich an den Marken meiner Tage. – Here I stand at the marks of my day. –
Gott, wie du willst, dir hab' ich mich ergeben. – God, as you wish, I surrendered to you. –
Viel gold'ne Bilder sah ich um mich schweben, I saw many golden images floating around me
Das schöne Traumlied wird zur Todtenklage! – The beautiful dream song becomes a threnody! –
Mut! Mut! – Was ich so treu im Herzen trage, Courage! Courage! – What I carry so faithfully in my heart,
Das muß ja doch dort ewig mit mir leben! – That must live there forever with me! –
Und was ich hier als Heiligtum erkannte, And what I recognized here as a sanctuary,
Wofür ich rasch und jugendlich entbrannte, Wherefore I burned quickly and youthfully,
Ob ich's nun Freiheit, ob ich's Liebe nannte, Whether I call it freedom, whether I called it love,
Als lichten Seraph seh ich's vor mir stehen, – As a shining Seraph, I see it standing before me, –
Und wie die Sinne langsam mir vergehen, And as the senses slowly pass me by,
Trägt mich ein Hauch zu morgenroten Höhen. A touch carries me to morning-red heights.
74.90 €
Delivery weight: 44 g
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Product no.: 31386
This chanson Sei ein Teil von mir (Be a part of me) from 2014 was released in 2015 on the CD Eigenlieder - Blau auf Grau. Here is an adaptation of the chanson in bossa nova style. “Originally Sei ein Teil von mir is a spiritual song in the tradition of Buxtehude's Membra Jesu nostri. But in this bossa nova version, heaven comes to the earth of two lovers.” "Membra Jesu nostri", interpreted in a modern way. Lyrics:
19.26 €
Delivery weight: 33 g
In stock |