If music be the food of love, sing on, sing on, sing on ... (Shakespeare)
Distler, Hugo: Jesus ist kommen – Small choral motet for 2 female voices and 1 male voice op. posth.First edition of a previously unknown choral setting for three voices by Hugo Distler. The work was premiered on 4 January 2004 in St. Antonius, Plön by the Preetz Chamber Choir (YouTube). |
2.46 €
Delivery weight: 22 g
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Product no.: 31185
O Magnum Mystery (O Great Mystery), the fourth responsorial chant from the Vigil at Christmas as a four-part motet by Thomás Luis de Victoria (1548-1611). |
3.37 €
Delivery weight: 55 g
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Product no.: 31209
The motet Sei Lob und Preis mit Ehren, BWV 231 is based on the 2nd movement of the cantata Gottlob! nun geht das Jahr zu Ende, BWV 28. It is here presented as an arrangement for brass quintet by Ralf Lentschat. |
31.03 €
Delivery weight: 90 g
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Product no.: 31222
Motet for mixed choir a cappella after words by Martin Luther and Kurt Ihlenfeld. |
3.21 €
Delivery weight: 40 g
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Product no.: 31313
The motet „Ein jegliches hat seine Zeit“ (Every thing has its time, Ecclesiastes 3: 1-11, one of the most important texts from the Old Testament) for mixed choir was composed by Hans Gebhard in 1992. |
4.01 €
Delivery weight: 671 g
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Product no.: 31322
The motet „Lasset das Wort Christi reichlich unter euch wohnen“ ("Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you", Col. 3:2-17), Epistle to Sunday Cantate with integration of three choral melodies for mixed choir was premiered on May 18, 2014 in St. Petri in Hamburg by Bach Choir St Petri under the direction of Thomas Dahl. |
3.75 €
Delivery weight: 671 g
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Product no.: 31368
The most famous setting of the medieval hymn Ave verum corpus by Mozart in the form of a motet for mixed choir, strings and basso continuo. |
57.78 €
Delivery weight: 99 g
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Product no.: 31369
The most famous setting of the medieval hymn Ave verum corpus by Mozart in the form of a motet for mixed choir, strings and basso continuo. |
4.28 €
Delivery weight: 99 g
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Product no.: 31329
The motet "Sicut cervus" for mixed choir a cappella is a setting of Psalm 42:2,3. It was posthumously published. It is now one of Palestrina's most famous works and regarded as a model of Renaissance polyphony. |
3.10 €
Delivery weight: 231 g
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