Mohr, Wilhelm: Lieder cycle op. 7a for Soprano and Baritone, choir, flute, horn, piano (choral part)

Product no.: 31189

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Delivery weight: 44 g

This late Romantic Lieder cycle byWilhelm Mohr after poems of Joseph von Eichendorff were written from Januar until March 1927.

The song titles:
    I. Wie auf treuer Wacht (As on carefull watch) [4' 45"]
   II. Adler (Eagle) [3' 45"]
  III. Frühlingsgruß (Spring greeting) [4']
  IV. Mittagsruh (Midday peace) [4']
   V. Jäger und Jägerin (Hunter and Huntress) [4']
  VI. Zwielicht (Twilight) [4']
 VII. Waldeinsamkeit (Forest solitude) [4']
VIII. Wir ziehen treulich auf die Wacht (We'll go for carefull watch) [4']


Browse these categories as well: Sheet music, Chamber music, Piano, Vocals, Soprano, Baritone