In 1818, Johann Georg Christian Apel was appointed the first university music director of the Christian-Albrechts-University in Kiel. For the 200th anniversary in 2018, the Institute of Musicology honored the musician and composer Apel with an exhibition and a festive concert. To mark this occasion, a selection of his songs appeared on euthentic® as a sheet music edition, shedding light on Apel's rich compositional work.
This CD presents a selection of Apel's songs along with songs by Heinrich Andreas Kellner, one of his contemporaries in Kiel.
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Contents of the CD
Johann Georg Christian Apel – Songs op. 4
1. Trostlied für die Opfer des Geistes der Zeit op. 4 No 1
(Comfort song for the victims of the Zeitgeist)
2. Klage (Lamentation) op. 4 No 3
3. Hoffnung und Erinnerung (Hope and memory) op. 4 No 5
4. Hebe's Antwort (Hebe's answer) op. 4 No 6
5. Agnes an die Rose (Agnes's oration to the rose) op. 4 No 7
6. Nachtgesang (Nightly chant) op. 4 No 9
Apel – Lied mit Begleitung
7. Die Mutter spricht (The mother speaks)
Apel – Lieder aus dem Almanach „Eidora"
8. Die wundersame Drey (The wondrous Three)
9. Mein Heim (My home)
10. Abendlied (Evensong)
Apel – Gitarrenlieder
11. Fernando's Lied (Fernando's song)
12. Röschen (Little Rose)
13. Die Nacht (The night)
Lieder von Heinrich Andreas Kellner
14. Letzter Wunsch (Last wish)
15. Ja und Nein oder die Grazie des Widerspruchs
(Yes and No or the grace of contradiction)
16. Der Flausrock (The fleece)
Apel – Zweistimmige Lieder
17. Leiden (Distress)